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Translation paranormal activity marked ones

Meanwhile, a couple of thugs approach the boys and attempt to mug them for the backpack, kicking and beating on Jesse when he resists. Jesse and Hector head to the playground to shoot some hoops, and afterward rummage through a backpack looking for change for the vending machine. The next morning Jesse wakes up with blood on his sheets and a bite mark on his arm.

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While playing with a Simon toy, Jesse, Hector and Marisol notice a strange pattern that gives the appearance that the toy is actually answering Jesse’s questions – a red beep for “no” and a green beep for “yes”. The kids are suddenly confronted by Oscar’s brother Arturo, a tattooed gang banger, who states that Oscar is not responsible for the murders. After the activity surrounding the murder and the crime scene ends, Jesse, Hector and Marisol break into Anna’s apartment to have a look around, and find several altars and other scary witch things around. They soon discover that Anna has been murdered, and that Oscar is the prime suspect. They then set up some fireworks outside her window in an attempt to torment her further, but it doesn’t light – and suddenly Oscar the valedictorian comes leaping out of Anna’s window and runs away. Jesse and Hector decide that they are going to torment the strange neighbor Anna, and talk a little kid into knocking on her door. After Irma catches the boys and thinks they are watching porn, the boys look back to the monitor that is catching the action and see the faces of two young girls staring through the grate into the camera – they quickly pull the camera up to keep from getting caught and close the vent. Then Anna appears, also nude and proceeds to paint a circle with a triangle inside it on the woman’s stomach with, what appears to be, blood. They see a nude woman standing still inside the room. They go into one of the bedrooms and realize they can hear the sounds very clearly through a heating vent, and decide to lower the camera down the shaft to see if they can view what’s going on in that apartment through Anna’s vent below. That night Hector is hanging out at Jesse’s house, and they get Irma (Jesse's grandmother) to do a couple of shots of tequila – While talking and hanging out with Irma, they hear some screams, mechanical whirlings and other strange sounds coming from Anna’s apartment, which it’s clear now is right below Jesse’s apartment. While filming the injuries of Hector and other sights around the complex the boys see Oscar, the valedictorian from Jesse’s graduating class, come out of Anna’s apartment looking spooked and strange – he doesn’t talk to Jesse or Hector, but instead just quickly leaves the complex and runs down the street. Of course he crashes, scraping his knees and elbows along the way.

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We quickly learn that Hector is the friend that Jesse can talk into doing anything when he is convinced to get inside a laundry basket equipped with Go-Pro camera and ride it down the concrete stairs of the apartment complex. Jesse arrives to show off the new video cameras he has bought with the money from graduation.

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The next morning we meet Jesse's friend, Hector, while he's at work. There are also reports of hearing moans and wails coming from her apartment late at night. Anna, an older woman, lives inside the apartment, and everyone talks about her and rumors that she is a “bruja”, or witch. One of the topics of conversation is the apartment at the end of the courtyard that has newspapers taped to all of the windows, obscuring the view inside. One of Jesse’s best friends, Marisol, shows up late with salsa, and Jesse receives cash from his father as a graduation present.

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The graduation of Jesse is a pretty big deal because once they get home to their apartment the entire courtyard is filled with family and friends to celebrate the big event. Directly after the ceremony Jesse is outside with his family and friends, including Dad, Grandma, and best friend Hector. It begins with Jesse living through the Valedictorian speech at his high school graduation. The film takes place in June 2012, in Oxanard, California.

Translation paranormal activity marked ones